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Clarke County Properties
1029 Pagebrook Lane, Boyce, Virginia 22620
  • 3
  • 2
  • 110

Pagebrook is a charming and historic 110+ acre farm near Boyce in Clarke County. The 2,272 square foot, 1880’s farm house was fully renovated in 2015 and is in excellent condition. Additional improvements include a barn/stable with heated tack room, 4 stalls and large storage area. The pastures are fenced and cross fenced with 3 board fencing. The soils are predominantly Carbo-Opequon-Oaklet and are mostly in pasture with one productive hay field. Two additional dwellings are both leased and provide good rental income. The property has a strong spring which is the headwaters of Page Brook. The farm is partially wooded with a magnificent stand of white oaks. Pagebrook has a secluded location, but is easily accessible to main roads and the Town of Boyce. The property is subject to a Virginia Outdoors Foundation conservation easement.

Property Highlights
- Historic Home
- Fully Renovated
- Barn
- Two Tenant Houses
- Partially Wooded
- 110 Acres
- Excellent Condition
- Fence Pasture
- Strong Spring
- Secluded but Accessible

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